Artist: Adrienn JÓZAN
Title: Szevasz Lujzi
Designer: Adrienn Józan with help of Lilla Szántói and Emőke Dobos
Publisher: self-published
Printer: MPB Hungary Publication
Date and place: 2019, Budapest
Format, binding: hard cover,
Number of pages and images: 48 pages, 23 photos
Edition: 2 Size: 19,5 x 20,5 cm
Type of printing and paper: digital, Tecco-PPG250
Genre: photobook
Book description (eng):
My series includes personal photos, almost like a diary. My aim was to create an introductory work that shows who I am, where I am coming from. The upbeat and playful photos reflect on my childhood memories and my relationship with my parents. The home was the secure place to start experimenting with different visual styles and involving others in my practice. The book was partially designed by myself, and it features my kindergarten drawings. I also drew inspiration from my old pop-up books and created pages that can be folded out or peeped in between. There are no instructions in the book, the viewer has to explore the special elements themselves, it is like a game. Szevasz is a Hungarian informal, slightly old-fashioned greeting to express “hello” and “goodbye”. Lujzi is my childhood nickname.